Sunday, August 03, 2008

Erratic posting

I fell off a horse on Thursday - entirely my fault, of course.

I managed not to get too much blood on the horse's coat when I got back on, you'll be relieved to hear. Bleeding on valuable Arab geldings, especially ones that compete internationally for Britain, is simply not done.

That's not why I've been posting rarely, but the person I was riding with is.

Normal service will be resumed shortly. Or perhaps I mean, gradually. My feed reader now has about three gazillion unread posts in it. Perhaps I need to delete them all and start again.

Although I did notice that Gordon Brown has become Prime Minister. Is it too late to comment about that?


Trooper Thompson said...

Ouch! You'll have to change your moniker to William Wilberforce

Anonymous said...

"I did notice that Gordon Brown has become Prime Minister. Is it too late to comment about that?"

No, but to keep it relevant, you might want to be quick... ;)

Anonymous said...

You haven't lived until a horse has stepped firmly on top of your foot and broken it. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

A horse it was that taught me to backsummersault. It used the hoof-to-mouth method.