Friday, July 04, 2008


This is the common name for a condition (torsion, Gastric dilatation-volvulus) large dogs, especially Mastiffs, are prone to. The stomach swells and can get out of position, it puts pressure on blood vessels, the heart starts labouring, symptoms of shock follow and so does death, in a couple of hours at worst.

When I came down to walk my dogs at about seven this evening, my Mastiff was poorly, and his abdomen was swollen. He's now in surgery. If you don't know about this condition and assume the animal has a stomach ache or worms, you can have a dead dog on your hands very quickly indeed. Fast treatment is essential. As it is, he has a decent chance. He's a strong animal and although the x-rays showed his stomach in very much the wrong place he's in good hands.

Bloody animals. I should have got a hamster instead.


Mac the Knife said...

Here's good wishes to the FJ family pooch. Hope all goes well...

Peter Risdon said...

Thanks, Mac. He's through the surgery, but there's still a way to go.

Anonymous said...

"Bloody animals. I should have got a hamster instead."

Bit hard to take for a walk though. And no use for scaring burglars..

Hope doggy's well on the mend by the time you read this.

Peter Risdon said...

No use for scaring burglars? Big, slavering, red-eyed, tail-lashing things... Am I thinking of hamsters? Wait... must Google...

Wyrdtimes said...

Get well soon to your hound then Peter

Anonymous said...

Sorry, hope he's doing better. I'm not sure about hamsters, but there is an inverse correlation between a dog's size and life expectancy.

B8ovin said...

"Big red eyed tail lashing things"

That's the Peruvian Chupacabra Hamster. While a great deterrent of robbery, they only live about 3 minutes, or about the time it takes to see one and find a camera.

As an owner of three large dogs my self, hope the pooch is fine.

Anonymous said...

Hope your dog feels better soon.

Here's to a swift and full recovery (drinks beer)!

An extended belly can also be a sign of Cushing's disease which is common in older dogs.