Wednesday, August 27, 2008

String 'em up

There's been a lot of discussion recently about the return of convicted child molester Garry Glitter, now better known as Paul Gadd.

But less about the trend in movies that depict the sexual molestation and rape of young girls including - seriously - one that suggests the victim is strengthened by the experience.


Anonymous said...

Ugh! There's one to cross off the list of 'movies I might see'...

Truly disturbing.

cabalamat said...

Is this really that big a deal? I mean, drama has always involved an element of nasty things happening to people, and people who have nasty things happen to them sometimes are strengthened by it.

Peter Risdon said...

Yes, I think the normalisation and semi-justification of child sexual abuse is a bog deal.

A film like The Pledge deals with the same subject in a better way.

Peter Risdon said...

Tchah. Big deal.